National flag is the pinnacle of a country. It represents the sovereignty of the country. Myanmar has strong existing laws in case of using national flag improperly.
General Aung San is the national leader, Father of Independence of our country. He is the holy leader of Myanmar people. Pictures, photos, images, symbols and/ or speeches of General Aung San definitely identify with the meaning of Myanmar national flag. Even though, there is no law enacted in relating with General Aung San, every citizen must conform to the National Contract, so called social contract.
General Aung San is a symbol of Myanmar’s independence and national affairs. This is what we value for our national leader, General Aung San and the national flag. Of course, we have faced different paradigms and opinions in politics or social issues. Our president is always eager to form the compromised mutual atmosphere patiently, peacefully and tolerantly.
If one is the Myanmar citizen, one must have the spirit of citizen; take responsibility and accountability of a citizen. Since citizen rights always comes together with responsibility and accountability, everyone who wants to be our citizen have to comply with duties of citizen.
reference and credit to Hmuu Zaw
translated by Haythar Channyein
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